The Boomerang Parental Control app was created with the goal of keeping our youth out of harm’s way while navigating the online world. This concept hit home for a lot of us at KharéCom, and so we were happy to help produce a wide variety of video content aimed to promote the product.
From short social media videos to commercials, to episodic series and testimonials, we’ve gotten creative in how we help get the Boomerang message to those that would benefit most.
Commercials & testimonials
“Our mission at Boomerang is to keep kids safe online. Our App prevents kids from viewing pornography, violence, and hateful rhetoric. Boomerang helps ensure kids don’t become addicted to devices by way of clear time limits, without negotiation. We help parents to parent in an online society.”
Boomerang Parental Control Team
Bench Banter video series
One of our ongoing video projects for Boomerang is a series called Bench Banter, in which two experts on subjects in the realm of online navigation meet on a bench somewhere in the city to have a chat. These conversations cover a variety of subject matter that can hopefully answer a lot of burning questions that people might have but don’t know where to find helpful information.